Trees of the Week (11/1/2021-11/7/2021)



It’s getting colder this week, and I finally felt the arrival of winter. I hope you are staying healthy without catching a cold.

I like to wear short-sleeved shorts, which are rough and easy to move around, and until recently, I worked hard with this outfit on warm days, but until the winter is over, it seems that I need to wear warmer clothes outside of my home.

As usual, I will introduce more and more trees this week!


Meta (FKA: Facebook) Deploys Novi, Allowing Free International Remittances

Meta (formerly known as: Facebook) has begun trial development of a digital wallet “Novi” that enables instant international remittances free of charge in collaboration with Coinbase, a major cryptocurrency asset exchange business in the United States.

Money deposited by Nobi users into the app will be exchanged for stablecoin “USDP” linked to US dollars, and the USDP will be exchanged between digital wallets.

There is no transfer fee between digital wallets, and it seems that you can transfer money immediately.

Currently, trial operation is being conducted only in the United States and Guatemala, but if the service is expanded all over the world including Japan, the disadvantages of high fees, exchange fluctuation risk, time required for remittance that we suffer from the conventional remittance will be solved at once.

At the moment, UDSP is the only crypto asset that can be transferred, and it does not incorporate the original virtual currency “Diem (FKA: Libra)” announced by Meta, but Novi will officially start operation as soon as regulatory approval is obtained, and Diem will be released together.

Noviのパイロットは終了しました | Facebookヘルプセンター

Controlling Sleep

A research team at Northwestern University devised a technology to embed a “microchip that produces peptides that regulate sleep rhythm” in the body, and it started full-scale research.

In the devised technology, it seems that the amount of peptide produced that affects the regulation of sleep rhythm is adjusted by turning on and off the LED light mounted on the microchip. The microchip does not work alone. It has adopted a mechanism to adjust the sleep rhythm by wrapping a band equipped with a battery and communication function around parts such as the arm and connecting the band to a smartphone.

The microchip was developed for military use, but technologies, such as the Internet and GPS that are currently commonly used, have evolved from military use. Until they will become common in our lifestyle, it may not take too long.

Artificial Meat Patty “McPlant” launched by McDonald’s

McDonald’s announced that it will test-sell the plant-based hamburger “McPlant” in the United States from November 3.

McPlant’s plant-based patties are made from beans, rice and potatoes, making vegetarians able to enjoy the flavor, taste and texture of the meat.

Patty’s manufacturer will be “Beyond Meat”, and as you can see in the video below, it looks indistinguishable from real meat.


Zero Trust

With the remote work and the recent progress in digitalization of companies, the chances of hearing the unfamiliar word “zero trust” have increased.

If you are interested, please have a look at the article below, which explains Zero Trust as much as possible.


Myoji Map (Surname Map)

This week’s tree Gadget/Lifehacks is a surname map provided by Ritsumeikan University!


On this website, you can search for the number and ranking of people with the same surname by prefecture, and visually grasp the distribution of the surnames you care about.

You can also check how many surnames you have in Japan, so if you are interested, please search!

Personal Finance

As I mentioned last time, this week I sold AMD early and bought CUBI. In addition, WIRE and INMD had a large decrease for a while, so I sold them once to secure a profit.

The profitable results of individual stocks this week are as follows.

  • AMD: (2.22)%
  • INMD: 10.34%
  • WIRE: 5.34%

Here are my holdings:

At first glance, the results of MC are poor, but since there was a dividend payment date this week, I plan to continue holding it as expected unless there are other major factors for sale.

I have set a profit stop loss at 7.5% for CUBI and 5% for MLI, and I plan to make appropriate adjustments as the performance improves.

This week, I have posted an article about the method called “SEPA” proposed by Mark Minervini, so please read it if you are interested.



Introducing this week is the Spanish restaurant “Boqueria”.

The name of the restaurant, Boqueria, seems to be associated with a large public market in Barcelona, ​​and the inside of the store is as vibrant as the market.

I ordered Paella De Maiscos (Small Size), Croquetas Cremosas, and Rose Sangria from the brunch menu.

I decided to go to this restaurant because I wanted to eat seafood paella for the first time in a long time, but it took about 30 to 40 minutes to cook, so I ordered tapas croquette and sangria as recommended by the waiter.

The texture and seasoning were different from Japanese croquettes, but they were very delicious and I wanted to order another tapas dish the next time I visit here.

As you can see in the picture, the seafood paella is full of seafood and is definitely satisfying!

53 W 19th St, New York, NY 10011(Multiple Locations)
Mon-Thu 12:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Fri-Sat 12:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Sun 12:00 PM - 9:30 PM


This weekend, I went to the Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn.

Since it is a graveyard, Japanese people may thing that it has a solemn atmosphere, but as you can see in the photos, it is a famous spot as a tourist destination because of its rich nature, such as autumn leaves.

Living in Manhattan doesn’t give you a chance to bathe in the forest, but it’s a great spot for those who want to forget about the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy nature.

I hope next week will be a good week for you all!

