Trees of the Month (September 2022)



How are you all doing?

I have been busy with my personal and work life and have not updated this blog for more than half a year, but I would like to revive it starting this month.

In the past, I used to provide weekly updates on topics of interest to you, but in light of the current situation, I will start updating this blog on a monthly basis.


Federer Announced Retirement

On September 15, former world number one men’s tennis player and tennis legend Roger Federer, now 41, announced his intention to retire from tennis on his social networking site.

As tennis enthusiasts may know, Federer is a superstar who has made his mark in tennis history, boasting a total of 20 Grand Slam victories and a lifetime Grand Slam record.

Many of you may have become fans of Federer because of his textbook playing style and gentlemanly demeanor.

I am also a big fan of Federer and own two of the same racquets as his.

In September, Laver Cup in London was his last ATP tournament, and this time He was teaming up with the Big Four of tennis: Nadal, Djokovic, and Murray.

The doubles match with Nadal was his last match, and seeing them both crying after the match made me realize that his long era had come to an end.

19-Year-Old Up-and-Comer Alcaraz Won U.S. Open

The U.S. Open in New York, one of the four major Grand Slam tournaments in tennis, ended with the victory of Carlos Alcaraz, a 19-year-old up-and-coming player.

As a result of winning this tournament, Alcaraz became the youngest player ever to be ranked No. 1 in the world.

Since Federer’s first victory at Wimbledon in 2003, the Big Four of Federer, Nadal, Djokovic, and Murray have won 66 of the last 77 Grand Slam tournaments.

Although Djokovic’s absence from this year’s tournament due to his vaccination status has somewhat diminished the significance of the Grand Slam, I believe that his victory in this tournament was not a one-time event, and that he has finally emerged as a player who can continue to challenge for the annual world No. 1 ranking in the future.

I am so excited about Alcaraz’s future endeavors!

Restrictions on Travel to Japan Lifted

On September 22, Prime Minister Kishida, who was visiting New York, announced the lifting of the ban on the acceptance of individual travelers and the exemption of the currently required short-term visas, as well as the removal of the cap on the number of visitors to Japan, currently set at 50,000 per day, effective October 11.

According to the Japan National Tourism Organization, the number of visitors to Japan in 2021 was 245,900, a sharp decline from 31.9 million in 2019.

According to government officials, the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is a requirement, and if not inoculated, a negative certificate must be submitted.

Prime Minister Kishida also announced the launch of new tourism support measures, “National Travel Discount” and “Event Discount,” on the same day, October 11, with the aim of assisting the travel and entertainment industries affected by the pandemic.

Phantom of the Opera Closes

In Broadway musicals, “The Phantom of the Opera,” which began showing in 1988 and boasts the longest run in history at 35 years, will close its run on February 18, 2023.

The main reason for the closure seems to be the decline in box-office revenues in the wake of the drop in tourism caused by the global pandemic of the COVID-19.

The Phantom of the Opera is based on a novel published in 1909 by French author Gaston Leroux, and the work itself seems to have been created based on historical facts that actually occurred at the Paris National Opera in the 19th century.

I have yet to see Phantom of the Opera, so I hope to find time to go see it before it closes.

Treasure Found under the Floor of an Ordinary Home.

More than 260 gold coins were discovered in 2019 when the owners of an 18th-century home in England renovated their kitchen.

The collection of coins could fetch at least $290,000 (41.5 million yen) at an auction to be held in October 2022, according to auction firm Spink & Son.

The gold coins were issued between the 16th and 18th centuries and are believed to have been originally owned by Joseph and Sarah Maisters, a couple from the Fernley-Maisters family, a powerful merchant family in the lumber, coal, and iron ore trade at the time.

When Spink & Son went through the legal process, all but one of the coins were recognized as the property of the couple who discovered them and were allowed to be auctioned off, since the most recent gold coin was not yet 300 years old when it was issued.

Pandemic Situation in New York

On September 8, New York Governor Hoekle announced that New Yorkers 12 years of age and older who received their last COVID-19 booster at least two months ago are eligible to receive a new Omicron strain-compatible booster.

The booster vaccination is free and available in the entire state.

Although the Biden administration recently declared the pandemic has been over, although nearly 500 people in the United States still die each day from COVID-19, making it the third leading cause of death, after heart disease and cancer.

Booster Doses
Maximize your protection against COVID-19. Free booster shots are available statewide.

In addition, on September 20, New York City Mayor Adams announced the elimination, effective November 1, of the mandatory vaccination of employees that had been imposed on private companies in the city as a measure against the new type of coronavirus.

With this change, companies will be left to make decisions regarding the vaccination of their employees.

On the other hand, city employees, such as police officers and teachers, have indicated that they will remain obligated to be vaccinated for the time being.

In addition, on September 7, Governor Hoekle announced the elimination of the requirement to wear masks on public transportation such as subways, buses, and trains in New York State, which had been mandatory since April 2020, and that the wearing of masks will be optional from now on.

Masks No Longer Required on Subways, Buses and Commuter Railroads

On September 20, Governor Hoekle also announced that the MTA will install two security cameras on each of its subway cars.

Cameras have already been installed on 100 cars on the 2nd and 4th lines on a trial basis this past June, and it is expected to take until 2025 to complete the installation on all cars.

Crime in the subway is increasing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and we hope that the installation of cameras will help prevent crime.

Immortality Research Today

Humans have long pondered immortality and rejuvenation.

Recent studies have reported that transfusion of blood from young mice into old mice improves cell regeneration and natural healing power, and rejuvenates organs, tissues, and brain functions.

On the other hand, studies have shown that transfusion of blood from old mice to young mice causes the opposite phenomenon of aging.

Along with these studies, the perception that there is a substance in the blood of young people that has a rejuvenating effect has become widespread, but according to a research team from Berkeley, California, there is actually no rejuvenating effect in the blood of young people, and it is highly likely that some substance in the old blood is causing the aging process, according to their announce.

In the study, half of the plasma of old mice was replaced with saline solution containing 5% albumin (a type of protein that is abundant in serum) as neutral age blood, and the researchers observed the progress of the mice and confirmed that tissues such as brain, liver, and muscles of the old mice became younger.

In addition to humans, there are other organisms that have achieved immortality and rejuvenation on an individual basis.

For example, in the ant world, ants are divided into queen and worker ants at birth, but in the Indian stag beetle species that lives in India, when the previous queen dies, the worker ants start fighting each other and the victorious one becomes the queen. Individual who become the queen in this way has a lifespan that is five times longer than that of their predecessors.

In the case of the saffron jellyfish, it is possible to escape death from aging by reverting to a juvenile form even after reaching adulthood, making it an organism that has already attained immortality.

Unfortunately, current science is unable to apply these characteristics of rejuvenation and immortality to humans, but as research progresses, it may be possible to bring immortality to humans as well.



This month, I have written an article about eSIM, a hot topic these days, so please take a look!


Koe Recast

This time, I would like to introduce Koe Recast, a voice changer that changes voice quality through AI.

Recast - Koe Recast
The world's most powerful AI voice changing app

An online demo version is currently available and can be accessed from the above page.

Since it is a demo version, it is not possible to perform voice changes in real time, but it is possible to convert voice within 20 seconds prepared in advance or recorded on the spot into 10 different voices.

Personal Finance

Currently, I am cashing out all but my index investments as the market trend has been much worse.

I intend to proceed with reinvestment once the trend improves.


Okatte Tanto

This month, I introduce Okatte Tanto.

Located on 49th Street, this restaurant is located in a hideout.

Although the menu may be a bit small, all the dishes are excellent, and sake lovers will be satisfied with the sake accompaniments.

Also, they have Motsu hot pot, which is a great combination with sake!

Okatte Tanto NY
249 E 49th St, New York, NY 10017
Mon-Sat 5:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Sun Closed


It has been a while since I last posted here, but how was it?

I will do my best to update regularly every month from now on!

Summer is over and it is suddenly getting colder, so please take care of yourself.

