Trees of the Week (10/25/2021-10/31/2021)



It’s been a long time since my last update, but I’m back with a fresh start. I’ve been introducing news that I personally liked, but I’ve made it part of the contents with the theme of tree.

This is a combination of the words “curious” and “tree” in Japanese, which may sound like a pun, but I hope that it will lead to some kind of self-growth for myself as well as those who read my blog, just like a tree grows, and that it will lead to communication with those around , just like the branches of a big tree grow in various directions.

In addition, I’ll be writing about topics that I’ve personally been interested in and researched in “Pick-up,” new gadget, lifehacks, etc. that I’ve discovered in “Gadget/Lifehacks,” restaurant/shop recommendations in “Shop/Restaurant,” and money-related topics such as investing and trading in “Personal Finance.”

In fact, I’ve been physically and mentally sick lately, and I’ve been feeling unmotivated and unhappy with everything, and my thoughts have been in a vicious cycle. I think it was a plus because I had the opportunity to reconsider my life, health, and relationships.

I would like to continue to devote myself to the people around me without forgetting to thank them.


Mandatory Vaccination for US Foreign Travelers

The U.S. government has announced that all foreign travelers entering the U.S. starting November 8 will be required to have been vaccinated against the COVID-19.

The only vaccines that will be accepted for entry into the U.S. are those included in the World Health Organization (WHO) list of approved vaccines, including Pfizer Biontech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson (J&J), Salem Institute of India (SII) “Cobi Shield”, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, and others.

The required number of doses (1 dose for J&J, 2 doses for others) must have been completed and 14 days must have passed since the last dose.

In addition, even if the vaccination has been completed, proof of a negative test for the COVID-19 within three days prior to travel must also be presented.

Children under the age of 18 are exempted from the regulations, but if accompanied by a parent who has been vaccinated, proof of a negative test within three days prior to travel is required, and if the child is traveling alone, proof of a negative test within one day prior to travel is required.

However, there is a possibility that entry will be permitted as a very limited exception for those who cannot be vaccinated due to their constitution, such as having had a severe allergic reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine. In that case, you will need to have a certificate written by the doctor stating that vaccination is not possible due to health reasons, and have the content confirmed at the departure counter of the airline company.


Origin of Halloween

October 31st has become popular in Japan as Halloween, but do you all know the origin of Halloween?

It is said that the origin of Halloween comes from the Samhain festival held by the ancient Celts of Ireland in a place called Lascrohan more than 2000 years ago.

Nowadays, Halloween is a fun event where children and adults can dress up and enjoy the parade, and children go around each family to get sweets called Trick or Treat, but the Samhain (meaning the end of summer) Festival, which is the origin of Halloween, is an event to celebrate the harvest of summer, and it is far from the current fun event. It used to be a ceremony to sacrifice animals in the temple, thinking that the souls of the dead will return to this world on this day.

During this period, each family decorates their home in the United States, so I enjoy seeing around the decorations every year. Of course, there are homes and commercial facilities in New York that decorate them, and I will post the decorations that impressed me especially when I looked around!

When the Halloween season is over, it will change to Christmas decorations at once, so I’m looking forward to that too!


The Most Beautiful Astrophotography

Do you like watching the starry sky?

I have loved watching the starry sky since I was a child, and I even chose constellations for summer science project in elementary school.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to see the starry sky in Manhattan, but I always hope to see the beautiful starry sky when I go on a trip somewhere!

By the way, the first content of the tree that started this week is a huge panoramic photo of the Milky Way taken over 12 years by Finnish astrophotographer J-P Metsavanino!

You can see the photos from the URL below, so please enjoy the most beautiful astrophotography!

Grand Mosaic of the Milky Way is now large than ever
This blog is all about astrophotography and it works mainly as an imaging diary. J-P Metsavainio is a Finnish astrophotographer,

Personal Finance

For a long time, I have mainly invested in defined contribution pension plans (401k) for asset formation and invested the entire amount in the S&P 500 index fund, but since the beginning of this year, I have learned about the fun of individual investment and trading.

There are various types of investment and trading methods, but the one that I thought was particularly suitable for my personality was growth stock investment.

After reading books on growth stock investment, the methods proposed by Mark Minervini and William O’Neil were very interesting and I immediately incorporated them into the practice of individual investment.

I still have a lot to study, but I would like to introduce the methods of both of them in this column and write an article as a memorandum of my own how it was reflected in the actual investment.

Following their methods, the stocks I currently own are WIRE, AMD, MLI, and INMD.

Recently, with the announcement of quarterly financial results, prices have fluctuated sharply, but one of the reasons why I decided to purchase the above stocks is that the actual results were better than the quarterly financial results forecast.

However, the performance of AMD and MLI is not as good as I expected, so I am thinking of selling either one and purchasing CUBI instead.


Peter Luger Steak House

I would like to Introduce “Peter Luger Steak House,” a long-established steak shop that has recently opened the branch in Japan.

I ordered Rib Steak, Creamed Spinach, and Mango Sorbet for dessert.

All were full of volume and the taste was perfect! If you want to eat steak, it’s definitely the first choice.

Peter Luger Steak House
178 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY 11211
Mon-Thu 11:45 AM - 9:45 PM
Fri-Sat 11:45 AM - 10:45 PM
Sun 12:45 PM - 9:45 PM


Did you enjoy the article that was renewed from this week?

If you have any topics that you would like me to add or investigate, please send me your comments or contact me using the contact form.

