
William O’Neil’s How to Make in Stocks 2: CAN-SLIM’s “C”

This time marks the second installment of William O'Neil's growth stock discovery series. For those who missed the firs...

William O’Neil’s How to Make in Stocks 1: CAN-SLIM

Many authors have written books on growth stock investment, but which methods are you all practicing? I find the approa...

How to Use ChatGPT

In recent years, there have been various advancements in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), and one notable dev...

Trees of the Month (February 2024)

Preface How is everyone doing? Due to a busy schedule with both private and work matters, I haven't been able to ...

Trees of the Month (September 2022)

Preface How are you all doing? I have been busy with my personal and work life and have not updated this blog for...


With the recent release of the new iPhone, the term eSIM has been heard more and more often. According to Apple, the ne...

Trees of the Week (2/14/2022-2/20/2022)

Preface How did you all spend this week? I hope you enjoy tree topics this week! News Djokovic Expressed His D...

Trees of the Week (2/7/2022-2/13/2022)

Preface NY was delighted with the warmth on this weekend, but it started to snow from midnight on Saturday and I dec...

Trees of the Week (12/13/2021-12/19/2021)

Preface Christmas holidays are about to begin next week, but I'm busy with the last push of my work. However, sin...


I often hear the word NFT these days, and even though I was aware that it was a new speculative product related to art ...