News of the Week (7/12/2021-7/18/2021)


This week was a very busy week mainly because of the end of the vacation, so the update was delayed significantly.

As always, I would like to introduce the news that I was personally interested in this week.

Windows 365

On July 14, Microsoft announced the cloud PC service “Windows 365”.

Windows 365 is a service that uses virtual desktop technology on the cloud to allow you to use Windows with a Web browser in the same way as a Windows PC, regardless of the terminal.

The service is scheduled to be provided for Windows 365 from August, and it seems that it will be possible to select Windows 10 as the OS at the beginning of the service, and after Windows 11 is released, it will be possible to select Windows 11.

Conventionally, in order to use Windows, there is no choice but to use it as a set with physical hardware such as desktops and laptops, and when a company wants employees to use Windows for remote work, it is necessary to take the PC out of the company and use it. companies had no choice but to admit it or allows the employees to use private computer while worrying about security.

However, with this method, there were risks such as the company’s PC brought out by the employee being misplaced or lost somewhere, and the company’s security policy does not apply to private computers.

On the other hand, since Windows 365 is provided in the cloud, various data used and created by the user is also saved in the cloud, and the data does not remain on the PC or tablet that the user physically owns even if it is lost or stolen. There is a merit that you do not have to worry about information leakage even if you encounter a problem like these.

Even at the company I work for, I am currently taking out my company’s PC and working from home, but I often hear from my coworker that they are having a hard time transferring data when there is something wrong with their PC and it is necessary to replace it.

With the spread of Windows 365, it will not be necessary to transfer data or make initial settings for each PC when the PC is out of order, which will be a great advantage for the company.

Biofuel That Can Generate Electricity from Sweat

July 13, a group of engineers at the University of California, San Diego announced that they have developed a thin, flexible biofuel cell that can be worn on the fingertips and generate electricity from human sweat.

The newly developed battery is in the form of a sheet of super-absorbent carbon material that absorbs sweat and converts it into electrical energy, and the electrodes are equipped with enzymes that generate energy by triggering a chemical reaction between the lactic acid in sweat and oxygen molecules.

The biofuel cell can generate electricity not only when the wearer is exercising and sweating profusely, but also when the wearer is sleeping or sitting down, and may become a valuable source of power for wearable devices such as the Apple Watch in the future.

According to the study, after 10 hours of sleeping with a finger of power-generating film, the biofuel cell was able to collect enough energy to power an electronic watch for 24 hours.

Potential of mRNA Vaccines

It seems that the messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine, a technology used in vaccines for COVID-19, may make a significant contribution to future medical development.

You may have heard a lot about DNA, which is responsible for recording genetic information, but not many people may be familiar with the name RNA.

RNA is a nucleic acid (an acidic substance that exists in the nucleus of a cell at the center of the cell and is used as a material for genes to maintain life. There are two types of nucleic acids: DNA and RNA.

Among RNA, messenger RNA is the RNA that copies the protein sequence code from DNA and carries the genetic information of DNA to the organ called ribosome, which is responsible for protein synthesis.

In mRNA vaccines, this mRNA is introduced from outside the body to artificially synthesize the target protein (antibody) in the body without the need for DNA.

Conventionally, there are three types of vaccines: live vaccines (made from viruses or bacteria that have lost their virulence), inactivated vaccines (made from viruses or bacteria that have lost their ability to infect humans), and toxoids (made by extracting only the toxins produced by the bacteria and eliminating their virulence). mRNA vaccines are a new vaccine technology that differs from these conventional vaccines.

The mRNA vaccine itself has been under research and development for several decades, but the COVID-19 has led to its introduction as a general vaccination for the first time.

The mRNA vaccine technology can be produced in a shorter time than conventional vaccines, making it possible to shorten the time lag between the prediction of epidemic strains and the production and distribution of the vaccine, and it is expected to be more effective than conventional influenza vaccines which use inactivated vaccines, which are said to reduce the incidence of influenza by 40-60%.

In addition, the development of vaccines to produce antibodies against cancer using mRNA vaccine technology is underway, and research is also being conducted to apply mRNA vaccine technology to the field of regenerative medicine.

Reading Thoughts via Computer

On July 14, Facebook announced that they have developed a technology that allows people who have lost the ability to speak due to a stroke to output their thoughts to a computer in real time.

According to the announcement, a device is implanted in the part of the brain that controls a person’s speech, and the brain signals are sent to a computer.

It seems that it will take some time to develop the technology, but if the technology advances further, it will greatly improve the quality of life for people with physical disabilities, and also make it possible to store people’s thoughts in a computer and realize a “hybrid” of people and AI.

Sunday Haircut to Be Legalized

I’m sure many of you, including myself, have had a haircut on Sunday in New York State, but it seems that this practice was actually against the law.

It seems that the law was enacted for religious reasons long time ago, but as of July 13, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo decided to repeal the law.

Food Report: Tsurutontan

This week, I’d like to introduce you to Tsurutontan in Midtown.

I ordered the Salmon Lover set.

All of the sushi, sashimi, and maki rolls in the set are made with salmon, making it a must-have for salmon lovers.

It also comes with a side of Udon noodles with a flavorful soup stock, which is one of the main features of Tsurutontan.

64W 48th, New York, NY, 10036
There are various locations
Mon-Wed, 11:30 AM - 8:00 PM
Thu-Fri, 11:30 AM - 9:00 PM
Sat, 12:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Sun, 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM


As I mentioned in the preface, this week has been as busy as the busy season at work.

However, I had one of the best weekends of my life and it was full of unforgettable events that filled me up spiritually.

My work schedule will continue to get busier next week, but the weekend refreshment will keep me going!

I wish you all the best for the coming week! 

