News of the Week (5/10/2021-5/16/2021)


How did you spend this week?

I would like to introduce selected news that I was interested in this week.

CDC Announced a New Guideline for Wearing Masks

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced a new guideline on May 13 that people who have completed vaccinations do not have to wear masks indoors or outdoors, except in hospitals and other medical settings.

This new guideline also lifted the regulation about a social distance. However, the final decision will be left to each state, and New York will continue with the current mask policy for the time being.

When I walk in Manhattan, the current mask wearing rate is about 50%, so I think that the tension has been eased a lot compared to before.

Tesla Stops Bitcoin Car Payment

On May 12, Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk announced on Twitter that they would stop Bitcoin car payment as a result of environmental considerations.

In response to this announcement, the cryptocurrency market, including Bitcoin, has once again turned into a crash. A few months ago, Tesla made a big impact on the cryptocurrency market with a huge investment in Bitcoin, so it seems to have had a similar result this time around. Also, Elon Musk’s tweets recently caused a surge in Dogecoin, so if you’re investing or speculating on the cryptocurrency market, you may want to carefully keep an eye on his remarks in the future.

Japanese Vaccines Is Finally Coming

At its financial results briefing held on May 10, Japanese drug maker Shionogi & Co. announced that it has begun developing vaccines to respond to the rapidly expanding mutant COVID-19.

At the briefing, Shionogi & Co. mentioned that domestic vaccines can be supplied in Japan by the end of the year, depending on the conditions.

Currently, vaccination schedules are behind in Japan compared with those in the U.S. I hope that it will promote the vaccination schedule and people who need them get it as soon as possible.

AI-Powered Backpacks Instead of Guide Dogs to Support the Visually Impaired

A research team at the University of Georgia has announced that they have developed a system to replace traditional guide dogs and canes with AI-powered backpacks to support the visually impaired.

As introduced in the video above, it seems that it will be easier for the user to be able to hear voice instructions through earphones and to recognize the surrounding situation by uttering to AI.

The advancement of technology is accelerating year by year. It is really great that the world becomes a more convenient and safer with new technology like this.

Food Repo: Ramen Factory Minca

This week, I went to Ramen Factory Minca on my way back from tennis.

I ordered “Toro Niku Ramen” and “Sanmaru” of cup sake that I was attracted to its picture!

“Toro Niku Ramen” is pork bone based and surprisingly not so heavy with oil, and I could not stop eating once I started.

Of course, I liked the picture of the cup of “Sanmaru” so much that I took it home! lol

Ramen Factory Minca
536 E 5th St, New York, NY 10009
Open 7 days a week 12:00 PM - 11:30 PM

